Accepting new clients for daytime appointments.
About Dr. Slavit
Understanding how my clients make sense of their world is of utmost importance. My specialty areas are tension reduction, stress management, alleviating depression, unresolved grief, adults with ADHD, relationship issues, and health/fitness/weight. I work with individuals ages 15 through 99, as well as with couples. I use a variety of methods depending on the client and the problem. For instance, I rely on expressive therapy to help with unresolved grief, whereas I use mainly behavior therapy for tension reduction. Above all, I check frequently with my clients to be sure the methods I am employing are meeting their needs.
I am Board Certified in Behavioral and Cognitive Psychology. I have been helping clients with relaxation for 35 years, and I have continually refined my methods. I have in many instances helped clients to experience deep relaxation when they had failed in prior attempts. I always try to balance challenge and support.
At the end of session #1 clients almost always tell me they feel comfortable with me. Clients are very often uncomfortable about making that first contact.
Michael R. Slavit, PhD, is a psychologist in private practice. He is board certified in behavioral and cognitive psychology by the American Board of Professional Psychology, but he considers his most important credential to be the confidence of his patients.
Dr. Slavit earned his bachelor’s degree in psychology from Brown University, a master’s in counseling from the University of Rhode Island, and his doctorate in counseling psychology from the University of Texas at Austin.
Authored Books by Dr. Slavit
Get in Touch
Dr. Mike Slavit
3970 Post Road, Warwick, RI 02886
(401) 919-6228