

Q: “I’ve been working toward my college degree for three years, and at the rate I can take courses, I figure I’ve got three years to go. But I’m just …

date rape

Date Rape

Q: “I’ve heard a great deal of talk lately about rape and date rape. There’s one thing that bothers me, and that’s the fact all the blame is placed on …

thinking vs feeling graphic

Thinking VS Feeling

Q: I’m having trouble sorting something out. Should I make important decisions based on how I feel, or based on what I think? I hear a lot of opinions both …


Will Curiosity Find Life on Mars?

NASA has landed a new roving vehicle on Mars. Named “Curiosity,” the lander touched down on the Red Planet in the wee hours of Monday, August 8. Curiosity is loaded …


Improving Sleep Patterns

There is a range of strategies to overcome difficulty falling asleep or sleeping through the night. It would be unrealistic to follow all of them. But it will help to …

Earth Science

Until a few centuries ago people still thought the Earth was between 4,000 and 6,000 years old. It was not until the 1800’s that the idea became fairly widely accepted …


15 Principles for Happiness

Have you ever had the experience of witnessing something which made you feel very lucky yourself? (A typical example cited by many people is feeling grateful and happy to have …

Initiatives for Happiness

Happiness usually takes hard work and self-discipline. This may be especially true for you depending on such matters as your age, health, family situation, education, job, and financial condition. Regardless …